About Us

About Company

Pioneering Excellence in Perfumery and Personal Care

It is the place where tradition meets innovation in the art of perfumery and personal care. As a leading manufacturer in the UK, we dedicate ourselves to crafting exceptional fragrances and toiletry products that embody luxury, quality, and sustainability. Our commitment to excellence and innovation is evident in every product we create, designed to enrich the everyday lives of our customers.

Our expertise spans decades, with a rich heritage in the fragrance industry. Our team of skilled artisans and scientists work collaboratively, using both time-honoured techniques and the latest technology to develop products that set trends and exceed expectations. From bespoke fragrances to comprehensive toiletry solutions, our products are a testament to our meticulous attention to detail and our passion for creativity.

Jean Stewart

HR Manager

Need help?

+44 (0) 170 874 7316 or support@corbynaroma.com

Our History

Tracing Our Roots
The Journey of Corbyn Limited


Our Most Efficient Year

In 2023, Corbyn Limited reached new heights in efficiency and productivity. Leveraging advanced technologies and sustainable practises, we streamlined our production processes and enhanced our operational workflows. This pivotal year saw a remarkable 40% increase in production capacity without compromising on the quality and craftsmanship that define our brand.

Why Choose Us

Reason for Choosing Us

Customisation Mastery

We excel in crafting bespoke fragrances that perfectly align with your preferences and branding needs.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Leveraging the latest in production techniques, we stays at the forefront of the industry.

Sustainability Commitment

We are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact through sustainable sourcing.

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